To promote an appreciation of art created on or with paper through exhibitions and portfolios and to provide for sharing, networking, and professional growth among its members.
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NINETEEN ON PAPER, founded in 1986, is an organization of New England artists who create works of art of on or with paper. Members are painters, collage artists, printmakers, book artists, photographers, digital artists, and sculptors. The group has exhibited extensively in galleries and museums in New England and abroad. Individual artists of 19 on Paper have exhibit worldwide and several are published in a variety of print media.
The mission of 19 on Paper is to promote an appreciation of art created on or with paper through exhibitions and portfolios and to provide for sharing, networking, and professional growth among its members.
In the Spring of 1986 two artists decided to form a group whose purpose was "to provide a cohesive structure for the presentation of works on paper by Rhode Island artists." When nineteen professional exhibiting artists responded to the call for colleagues, the name of the group became "19 on Paper". In the ensuing years the membership has expanded beyond Rhode Island, but the number of members has been maintained at approximately nineteen, although at times it has consisted of fewer than or more than nineteen.
The members of 19 on Paper believe that encouraging diversity of creative expressions with or on paper energizes and enriches the experience of all members in the group. Not only do artists work in different mediums and techniques but also with a variety of imagery, from realism to non-objective abstraction.
When a vacancy occurs, membership is by invitation.
MEETING SCHEDULE - the group meets the first Monday of each month, September - June