Winning Prints in Wickford!
Felicia Touhey’s “Daffodils 1”, and Lorraine Bromley’s “Invocation”, shown below left to right, won Second and Third Place award, respectively, in the Wickford Art Association’s "Push, Pull, Print" exhibition which runs thru September 25th.
Words Inspire Art In A Decade-Long Annual Show
"Nesting", watercolor by
Lorraine Bromley was juried into the 10th Annual Poetry & Art Exhibit at Wickford Art Association. an annual exhibit of Poetry & Responsive Artwork.
September 30-October 23, 2022.
A “Red Hot” Win!
Lorraine Bromley’s watercolor and pastel “The Lipstick Tree”, shown below, was awarded Third Place in Newport’s Spring Bull Gallery’s recent “Red Hot” exhibition.
Bringing Cuba To Providence
David DeMelim’s R. I. Center for the Photographic Arts partnered with Paul Murray and a Cuban-based team to host two curated Cuban photographic exhibits - Daniel Martinez’s solo exhibit, “Cuban Overture:The Other Side of the Mirror”, and “Cuba In Parallel”, a collaboration between Adrian Juan Espinosa and Paul. Both were organized in record time, and quite well received.
Part Of An Annual Fall Tradition
David DeMelim’s “On The Beach” and Paul Murray’s “The Last Dance”, shown left to right below, along with works from members Lorraine Bromley and Cindy Wilson were among approximately 120 pieces in the Providence Art Club’s 2022 Fall Members Exhibition which was on display thru September 15th.
It’s All About The Trees…
Ann-Marie Gillett's “East Side Birch” and “East Side Birch II”, and Paul Murray’s Namibian image, “The Last Dance”, shown below right to left, were juried into the Warwick Center for the Arts’ 36th Annual Rhode Island Open. With an October 6th reception (6 - 7:30 PM), the exhibition runs thru November 5th.
Sailing Through New Hampshire and Virginia
Paul Murray’s 12-metre yachting competition image, "A Crowded Start", shown below, earned an Honorable Mention in the recent Portsmouth (RI) Arts Guild's Juried Photography Show, and a Juror’s Choice Award in the Academy Center of the Arts 2022 National Juried Photography Exhibition that runs thru October 1st at the Academy's galleries in Lynchburg, VA.

Nature Comes To The Workplace…
Providence’s Sprout CoWorking invited Ann-Marie Gillett to exhibit her detailed and colorful renditions trees, natural growth and even mandalas in a month-long show last August. Regional art critic and writer Michael Rose captured the essence of Ann-Marie and her work in his article
for GoLocalProv,

Digital Art And Photography Gain Acceptance
Cynthia DiDonato’s digital artwork, “Tree Talk at Dusk”, was one of 80 works out of 188 entries juried into the R.I. Watercolor Society’s “SEEING BEYOND: An Online Photography and Digital Art Exhibition”
This is the Society’s first digital art and photography exhibit.
Crossing Borders In Boston’s Back Bay
Paul Murray’s Buenos Aires work, "A Daily Walk Through A Dream", was one of 36 pieces selected for the Copley Society of Art's National Show: Crossing Borders this Summer which remains available in a virtual gallery.

Exploring Digital Technologies For Art
Cynthia DiDonato has been exploring digital technologies in her art and was part of the August 31st speaker lineup for the Techspressionism Salon, “Are AI Engines: Friend or Foe?”, which is available onYouTube .